Virtual Clinical Classroom Quest Games

[Version]:2022-08-23 Update latest store version v0.2.12.8

[Description]: This kind of medical-related program is very expensive, the official original price is 49.9 US dollars, which is equivalent to 335 yuan, or the cracked version released exclusively by

Name: Virtual Clinical Classroom

[Type]: Education, ophthalmology

[Platform]: Meta Quest & 2nd Gen

[Online]: Offline alone

[Size]: 63MB

[Refresh]: 90Hz

[Language]: English


About this game:

Co-developed with Michael Williams, this is a unique app that allows ophthalmology and optometry students to practice a variety of conditions in VR.

The lack of hands-on opportunities, as well as restrictions due to the Covid pandemic, highlighted the need for a solution to provide an effective remote digital training experience to help eye students with pupil exams. The training will be conducted through 3D digital media and a virtual reality software application capable of delivering the desired training experience on the Oculus Quest virtual reality headset.

The main need was to provide a mobile digital training solution that would enable ophthalmology students to be trained in the pupil examination process. The steps of the procedure include preparing for an eye exam, examining the patient’s left and right eyes with a penlight, performing a “rocking torch test,” and checking accommodations. Throughout the eye exam, students need to check for abnormal reactions, including whether the pupils are fixed and unresponsive to the laplight, or if the pupils are unresponsive or actually dilated when light hits the eye.

The digital training solution was required to cover 6 scenarios per eye:

· Afferent pupillary defect (APD)

· Relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD)

· When the eye is red and swollen, the pupil is dilated and fixed

· Dilated pupils that fix ptosis and strabismus

· Fix the dilated pupil in a normal-looking eye

· Completely normal eyes

Virtual Clinical Classroom Quest Games
Virtual Clinical Classroom Quest Games
Virtual Clinical Classroom Quest Games
Virtual Clinical Classroom Quest Games
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